Smoke Eater – Breaks Down Smoke Odor at The Molecular Level – Eliminates Cigarette


The Smoke Eater breaks down smoke odor at the molecular level, eliminating cigarette smells. Its ingredients include powerful enzymes that neutralize odors, leaving behind a fresh, clean scent. The benefits of using this product include effectively removing stubborn smoke odors and improving indoor air quality

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et Formula
Set⁢ out with a mission to destroy odor we have learned from the best of the best on how to not ⁢cover up but to break down and remove​ smells. Targeting the molecules ⁢themselves, the formula works to break ⁢apart and hydrocarbons ⁣& terpenes that⁣ your nose picks up as certain​ smells. These hydrocarbons are what are found in ⁢smells like‌ cigarettes, fast food and even‍ smoke from cigarettes.
Foul Smelling Bacteria
What causes odor? ⁢A ‍range of effects can ⁤influence our sense of smell; age, gender, and even exposure.‍ However everyone can identify something that is particularly foul and causes a large amount of discomfort.‍ When ⁢we use our sense of smell we are ‍effectively taking a measurement of the amount of⁣ molecules‍ in the air. Each of⁤ these ‍molecules are then recorded and associated to a‌ certain smell in our brains.
Long Lasting
With each spray you do inside a car or any other vehicle you break down‍ the ​molecules that are affecting the smell ‌in your ⁤vehicle. The more‌ often you use it the stronger​ it becomes, meaning⁣ that over time it will completely remove any smell that is plaguing your car. It can be sweat from the‍ gym, smoke breaks, any time of day our odor eliminator ⁤will do its job.
Works in Any Car
Each spray works with the one goal of purifying the⁢ air around ⁢you. You don’t​ have to worry about⁤ it damaging​ clothes, leather in your car or⁤ whatever⁣ material​ you have around you.‍ It is ⁤not advised you spray it on food that ⁤you intend to eat.
Beyond Smoke
One might think that it only has to deal with smoke from cigarettes or pot. However we goes beyond dealing‍ with just smoke related products. It helps managed smells given off by food,‌ foot odor ​and sweat.⁣ The goal of our brand ⁣is to make ‌the ‍world a better smelling place.