Rose Essential Oil


Rose Essential Oil is derived from the petals of the rose flower through a steam distillation process. It contains natural antioxidants and anti-inflammatory properties, making it ideal for promoting relaxation, reducing stress, and improving skin health


Special Ingredients 透明质酸
Item Form Oil
Use for Face
Product Benefits 保湿
How ​to Use Step ⁤1 ​- Cleanse your face as you ⁢normally ​would. Step 2 – Apply a thin layer of rose ​essential oil for the desired skin. Step 3 – Having moisturizer already on the skin allows your rose⁢ essential oil to be absorbed better.
Many Uses Mix with ​a carrier oil to make⁣ a custom rose⁣ oil.‍ DIFFUSION – Add a few drops to water and freshen‍ up a room ⁢using a diffuser. BATH – very moisturizer by‌ roses.
Directions Can be used in the‌ morning and at night. We recommend you can select a small area of skin that’s easy to conceal to see the effects. And then‌ using it once‌ per day‍ and⁢ working your way up‍ to twice per day to see‍ good results.