Protection From Envy Kit w/Perfume for Rituals & Spells. Kit de Protección Contra Envidia c/Perfume Para Rituales Y Magia

This Protection From Envy Kit includes a special perfume for rituals and spells to ward off negative energy and jealousy. The kit contains ingredients such as essential oils, herbs, and crystals known for their protective properties, providing a shield against envy and promoting positivity and well-being


Item Description
7-Day Bath Kit Kit for Protection From Envy, Gossip, and Negative People. Includes Herbs, Soap, Perfume, Amulet, and Instructions ⁢Booklet. Prepare 7 baths with ritual ‌instructions included.
Aromatic Bath ‌Herbs Herbs included in the Protection from Envy Kit for use during the 7 baths ritual.
Triple Action Pheromones Soap Special soap with triple action pheromones to enhance the ritual baths for protection from envy.
Perfume High-quality perfume included in the kit to​ help you smell good and make a‍ positive ⁤impression.
Amulet An amulet included in the kit to‍ provide⁣ additional protection and positive energy during rituals.
Detailed Instructions Step-by-step instructions on how to use the kit for protection from ​envy, gossip, and ‌negative people.
Energy of Protection The tools in the kit are⁤ designed to connect with the energy of protection and help shield you from envy.