Princeton Dakota – Short Version

The Princeton Dakota is a skincare line that uses natural ingredients like aloe vera, vitamin C, and hyaluronic acid to hydrate and nourish the skin. These products help to improve skin texture, reduce fine lines and wrinkles, and promote a healthy, radiant complexion.


Item Description
Material Animal Hair
Paint Type Oil, ​Watercolor, Acrylic
Number of Pieces 4
Bristle Type Natural
Designed⁢ for Maximum Control Professional-quality paintbrushes ​that are 100% synthetic, animal-friendly, offering excellent stiffness,⁣ snap, and shape retention.
Long-Wear Synthetic Synthetic paintbrush modeled after hog bristle, retaining shape and stiffness better than natural bristles.
All-Purpose Brush Ideal for heavy paints like oil, acrylic, and water-based mediums, providing excellent control and color placement.
Dakota Series Description Collection of professional paintbrushes designed to hold more paint and withstand heavy-body acrylics and oils without ‍bending or breaking.
Suitable for a Wide Range of Media Works well with oils, acrylics, gels, and ⁣impasto media.
Long-Wear Synthetic Bristles Synthetic hog bristle brushes that are durable ⁣and superior to natural ‌bristles.
Designed for Maximum Control Professional brushes with excellent ⁣stiffness,​ snap, and hair ‍shape ⁣for precision and control.