Marine Collagen for Healthy Skin & Joints

Youtheory Marine Collagen is a dietary supplement made from fish collagen peptides and essential vitamins. It helps support healthy skin, hair, nails, and joints by promoting collagen production in the body. The product contains Type 1 & 3 collagen, Vitamin C, and Biotin for overall wellness benefits



Product Benefits
Energy Management
Item Form
Diet Type
Gluten Free
Dosage Form
Allergen Information < / h6 >
< td > Gluten Free < / td >
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< tr style = "background-color: # fff;" >
< th > Age Range (Description) < / h6 > < td > Adult < / td >
< / tr >

< tr >
< th > About this item < / h6 > < td > MARINE COLLAGEN TABLETS : Collagen diminishes with age. Youtheory Marine Collagen helps replenish this vital protein to revitalize skin, hair, nails, tendons & ligaments. This fish – sourced formula is formulated to improve digestibility & absorption.HYDROLYZED COLLAGEN PROTEIN : Collagen is the single most abundant protein in the human body.It’s literally the ‘glue’ that binds us together.Our hydrolyzed formula is highly bioavailable which means it is easily and rapidly absorbed in the body.BEAUTY BEGINS WITHIN : Feel your best at every stage of life.Support your wellness journey with high – quality Youtheory supplements for healthy sleep, weight, energy, skin and mood.REVITALIZE, REPLENISH AND NOURISH : We believe that health and beauty start inside with the best wellness supplements and products.THE RIGHT CHOICE : Dairy free, Soy free,and contains No Gluten Ingredients.This product is third – party tested and manufactured in the USA.From the manufacturerCollagenis themost abundantproteininthehumanbodyanda key constituentofskin,joints,bones,bloodvesselsorgansandmore.Theword“collagen”isderivedfromkolla,theGreekwordforglue.Collagenisliterallythesubstancethatbindustogether.Itformsameshl ikesupportiveframeworkinthebodythatprovidesshape,st rengthandflexibility.Highlyprizedforitsnutritionalandaminoacidprofile,collagenisuniquelyabundantinglycine , prolineandhydroxyproline.Infact,Collag enistheonlyknownsourceofhydroxyproline , whichisbelievedtohelpstimulatethebody’sownproductionofcoll agen.*Colla genAdvancedwithVitaminC , 290 TabletsColl agenPowderPowder,VanillaFlavor , 10ouncesColl agenLiquid,BerryFlavor ,12PacketsMarineCol l agenwith18AminoAcids , 290 TabletsJointCol l agenAdvancedwithBoswellia ,
120TabletsDeliveryFormTabletPowderLiquidTabletsTab letsCol l a genPotency6000mg6000mg5000mg2500mg600 mgAvailableSizes120,
160&2904.7&10Ounces12PacketBox160&290120Avail ableFlavorsVanilla&UnflavoredBerryAdditionalKeyNutrientsVitaminCVitaminC&BiotinProtein VitaminA,C,E,B6,B12,Zinc,Selenium&SilicaBoswelliaextract,Cinnamonextract,Turmericextract&
Quercetin*Thesestatementshavenotbeen evaluatedbytheFoodandDrugAdministration.Thisproductisnotintendedto diagnose,treat,cureorpreventanydisease.

Product Description:

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