Large 19 lbs Raw Dead Sea Salt with Mud

The “19 lbs Raw Dead Sea Salt with Mud – Large Bulk Pack” contains minerals and mud from the Dead Sea. This fine to medium grain salt is ideal for baths, detoxifying and nourishing the skin, leaving it soft and rejuvenated


⁢ ‌ ⁤ ⁣ The inclusion of Dead Sea Mud adds ‌to the therapeutic properties, ideal ​for relieving muscle tension ‌and skin problems.


tr style=”background-color: ​#ffffff;”>
‌ tdVersatile Use:/d
⁢ ⁤ tdThe product can​ be used in various ways such as skin softening‍ baths, relaxation blends, sitz baths, and more./d
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⁤ tdTarget ‍Users:>r>>rstyle=”background-coor:#ffffff;”>
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​ ‌ >GifIdea:/stong/d⁤
‌ ⁤ >Great ⁤gift idea for ⁤family and friends due to its​ quality‍ and effectiveness./d
‍ ‍ r>rstyle=backgroun-colo:#fff”> ⁢
⁤ >Oveview:/stron/d ⁤
⁤‌ >Provides a comprehensive overview detailing composition therapeutic benefits uses packaging. Customers ‌can make an informed decision about purchasing based on the information provided. ‍ ⁣
⁤ ‍ r>rtable>

Attribute Description
Product Name: Aromasong Raw Dead Sea Salt Large resealable Bulk Pack
Natural Composition: The‌ product is highlighted for its​ natural and mineral-rich composition of​ Dead Sea ⁢Salt.
Therapeutic Properties: