Fabulous Frannie Lavender Sleep Essential Oil Pillow/Room Mist Blend


The Fabulous Frannie Sleep Essential Oil Pillow or Room Mist is a calming blend of lavender essential oil designed to promote relaxation and improve sleep quality. Made with 100% pure lavender oil, this mist can be sprayed on pillows or in rooms to create a soothing environment for restful sleep


Item Description
Body Essentials Products Amazing, ⁣moisturizing, and excellent quality
Original ‍Packaging Genuine product with ‌original packaging
Arrived ⁣Promptly Product delivery was prompt
Legitimate Product Honest ⁤and legitimate product
Fabulous Frannie Sleep Essential ‍Oil Pillow A product to improve sleep quality
Room Mist A⁢ perfect blend of Lavender, Vetiver, Marjoram, and Chamomile Pure Essential Oils
Made in the USA Product⁢ is‍ manufactured in the ⁣USA
All Natural Ingredients No synthetic ⁤ingredients used
Refreshing Water Based​ Mists Made with pure essential oils for aromatherapy benefits