doTERRA Oregano Touch Oil – 10 mL Roll-On


The doTERRA Oregano Touch Essential Oil is a convenient 10 mL roll-on bottle that contains oregano essential oil diluted with fractionated coconut oil for easy application. Oregano oil is known for its antibacterial, antiviral, and immune-boosting properties, making it great for supporting overall health and wellness.

SKU: 5e606be1e7e5 Category: Tag:


Item Description
Immune-supportive benefits Provides support‍ for⁢ the immune system
Cleansing and purifying agent Powerful agent ⁣that cleanses and purifies
Ideal for⁣ delivering⁣ the⁣ benefits ⁣of Oregano essential oil Specifically designed to deliver the benefits‌ of Oregano⁢ essential​ oil
Reduces the appearance‌ of⁢ blemishes Helps to diminish the appearance of skin blemishes
Aromatic⁣ Description Herbaceous, sharp, ‍green,‍ camphoraceous scent
Available‌ in Touch version Oregano essential oil now available in a convenient roll-on applicator​ form
Carvacol and thymol components Main chemical ‌components‌ in Oregano essential oil with purifying properties
Fractionated⁢ Coconut Oil Diluted with this oil for sensitive skin ⁢application
Apply ​to ⁢skin or ‍nails Can ‍be applied to skin ‍or nails for ‌immune supportive effects
Convenient roll-on ⁤applicator Easy ⁤to use ⁤roll-on applicator for ‌quick ​and precise application
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