100% Pure Lanolin for Dry Skin and Eczema | 2oz


This 100% Pure Lanolin USP is pharmaceutical grade, perfect for soothing itchy dry skin and eczema symptoms. Lanolin is a natural substance derived from sheep’s wool that helps moisturize and protect the skin, making it an ideal choice for those with sensitive skin conditions. This 2oz product is a simple yet effective solution for providing relief and hydration to irritated skin.


Feature Description
100% Pure Lanolin USP Ready to be used as is or on hand creams, eczema creams, dry, chapped skin for DIY projects.
Lanolin A byproduct of Merino sheep, commonly referred to as wool wax or wool grease.
Protective Qualities Protects the skin from harsh environmental conditions and changing climates.
Natural Moisturizer Binds with water to create an effective moisturizer for the skin.
Nourisher & Protector Similar to natural oils secreted by human skin, providing protection and nourishment.
Cruelty Free Considered cruelty free as it does not harm the animal.
Emollient An effective emollient for the skin.